Unearth the spirit of 1849 with our Stansport® Prospector's Rock Pick – the essential tool for every modern-day adventurer and prospector. Crafted with the rugged charm of the gold rush era, this rock pick is your reliable companion at the campsite or at the dig. Constructed from heavy-duty forged steel with a robust tubular steel shank, this 1.5-pound rock pick means business. Featuring a sharp pointed tip, this rock pick is not just a sturdy tool; it's a precision instrument for cracking rocks and stones with ease. The reverse side features a hammering face. This tools durability ensures it can withstand the toughest rocks and stones, making it ideal for prospecting, gold panning, or general outdoor excavation. The rubber grip handle adds a touch of comfort to your rugged pursuits. Designed with your hands in mind, the shock reduction grip minimizes impact vibrations, making prolonged use less strenuous and more enjoyable. Whether you're setting up your outdoor haven or delving into a new prospecting site, this tool will quickly become your go-to companion. Live the adventure, embrace the thrill, and channel the spirit of the gold rush with the Stansport® Prospector's Rock Pick – where history meets modern exploration. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to the joy of discovery.